Friday, April 4, 2008

Ryan Will Host Idol Gives Back Solo

I meant to write this in the morning, before leaving... but I always have a hard time waking up. Anyway.

Ellen DeGeneres will not co-host Idol Gives Back, as was previously publicized. According to Access Hollywood, she has an "unforeseen production schedule" that conflicts with the show.

Too bad, I like Ellen, but I'm sure Ryan will do a good job.

Kelly Clarkson Demos Online

Ok, so I heard four song demos by Kelly Clarkson have leaked (or something similar to leaked) online.

They are:
1. Close Your Eyes
2. One Day
3. Ready
4. With a Little Bit of Luck

... And I found them here.

The poster took the links down after much bashing in the comments, but you can still find alternate links in, ironically, the comments section!

I will not preach. I will not voice my opinion. Some think downloading leaks is disrespectful to the artist, others don't mind.

But if you would like to download them, you know where to find them.

Remember Her?

Yes, friends, she is back.

Ashley Ferl, the little girl whose cheeks were once wet with tears for Sanjaya was in the audience in Tuesday's Idol. And guess what? She was crying. Again. For whom?

For Jason Castro.

I don't know if having Ashley as a fan is very helpful for Castro. Sanjaya, after all, is considered by many to be a joke who doesn't have nearly of Castro's talent... And, having Ashley as a fan, may draw some unwanted parallels between the two.

What do you think?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My apologies...


I am so sorry for not updating the past few days. School is keeping more than busy and, to add to that, I have job interviews to attend... Oh, my last semester of college!

I haven't even been able to watch AI last night and tonight! ...Ugh.

Tomorrow, it's back to updating!
